Capella University has announced the cohort of the 2021 Capella Fellows Program that offers full scholarships to the university master's degree program.
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) encourages Minnesotans to purchase and consume locally over the holidays as Minnesota plans for phase two of the COVID-19 crisis.
Minnesota Senate Republicans held a meeting on Oct. 22 to discuss the Review of Lawlessness and Government Responses to Minnesota’s 2020 Riots report that was recently released.
State Rep. Dean Urdahl recently urged Frontier Communication patrons who are eligible to receive rebates for faulty services to apply by the July 20 deadline.
The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recently provided insight on what the next school year will look like for teachers and students.
The Minneapolis Regional Chamber and the Twin West Chamber of Commerce have merged mid-stream due to the changed economy to form the most comprehensive chamber in Minnesota.
Wright County Sheriff Sean Deringer recently published a news release after he noticed a large number of permit-to-carry applications coming through the system.